الملخص:MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -Mexico will waive import duties for one year on a range of household staples, most of them foodstuffs, in a bid to curb inflation, the government said in its official gazette on Monday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpMEXICO CITY Reuters Mexico will waive import duties for one year on a range of household staples, most of them foodstuffs, in a bid to curb inflation, the government said in its official gazette on Monday.p
pThe products on the government list https:www.dof.gob.mxnota_detalle.php?codigo5652070&fecha16052022 included corn oil, rice, tuna, pork, chicken, beef, onions, jalapeño peppers, beans, corn flour, wheat flour, eggs, tomatoes, milk, lemons, white corn, apples, oranges, wheat and carrots.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pBread, potatoes, pasta for soup, sardines, sorghum and hand soap were also listed in the decree.p
pDuties would also be suspended on imports of live cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and chickens, the government said.p
pThe government said the waiver on the household staples would take effect from Tuesday and be in force for a year. The waiver on livestock would enter force pending the approval of Mexicos foreign trade commission, it added.p
pThe measures could be extended for another year, it added.p
p Reporting by Dave Graham editing by Philippa Fletcher and Jason Neelyp
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