الملخص:PARIS (Reuters) – India banned wheat exports on Saturday as a heatwave curtailed output and domestic prices soared, a blow to global buyers banking on the world‘s second-biggest wheat producer after Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine hit Black Sea supplies.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpPARIS Reuters – India banned wheat exports on Saturday as a heatwave curtailed output and domestic prices soared, a blow to global buyers banking on the world‘s secondbiggest wheat producer after Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine hit Black Sea supplies.p
pThe war in Ukraine has caused grain and sunflower oil exports from the Black Sea region to plunge, adding to the strain of adverse weather in key producing countries threatening global production. With food prices rocketing, a growing list of key producing countries are limiting exports. [GRA]pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pHere are some examples of the most recent or most significant food staple export bans.p
pINDIA – MAY 2022 – WHEATp
pIndia banned wheat exports in a bid to lower local prices, days after saying it was targeting record shipments this year. Global wheat markets surged following the news.p
pBefore the ban, India had aimed to ship a record 10 million tonnes this year.p
pUkraine closed its ports shortly after the start of the war with Russia, which Moscow calls a special miitary operation.p
pIt later banned export of rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, sugar, salt, and meat and introduced export licenses for wheat, corn and sunflower oil. Ukraine is among the worlds leading producers and exporters of grain and the top exporter of sunflower oil.p
pThe halt in Ukrainian exports sent global food prices to record highs.p
pIndonesia, the worlds top palm oil producer, imposed an export ban on several palm oil based products late April in an attempt to secure domestic supply and bring down soaring prices.p
pThe move made global vegetable oil prices soar across the board.p
pArgentina said it would establish a mechanism to control domestic wheat prices and temper food inflation.p
pHungary banned all grain exports.p
pSerbia restricted the quantities of wheat, corn, flour and cooking oil slated for export.p
pBulgaria has said it would increase grain reserves and might restrict exports.p
pArgentina capped the volume of corn and wheat that could be exported in a bid to head off domestic grains shortages and tamp down rising food values in the country. The decision sent U.S corn prices to their highest in 612 years.p
pRussia imposed taxes for grain exports in June 2021 as part of measures the government hoped would help stabilise domestic food inflation. p
pThe agriculture ministry determines the size of the duty on a weekly basis, based on price indicators reported by traders. p
pp Reporting by Sybille de La Hamaide Editing by Frank Jack Danielp
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