الملخص:PARIS (Reuters) – Renault unveiled on Thursday a prototype hydrogen fuel cell-powered sports utility vehicle (SUV), as the French carmaker scrambles to catch up with rivals in the race to cleaner driving.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpPARIS Reuters – Renault unveiled on Thursday a prototype hydrogen fuel cellpowered sports utility vehicle SUV, as the French carmaker scrambles to catch up with rivals in the race to cleaner driving. p
pRenault said the car, dubbed the ‘Scenic Vision’, would not be commercially available before 20302032. A fully electric version will hit the market in 2024.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pA fuel cell vehicle has an electric motor just like an electric vehicle, but the motor is powered by electricity produced through hydrogen, enhancing the batterys range. p
pA 16kW fuel cell will extend the cars range to 800km without recharging, and the battery will be twice as light, resulting in a 75 reduction in carbon footprint compared to a conventional electric model, Renault said.p
pThe Scenic Vision comes as Renault pushes ahead with plans to split its electric vehicle and combustion engine businesses. p
pA pioneer in electric cars with Japans Nissan and Mitsubishi at the start of the previous decade, Renault has been eclipsed by pure player Tesla and the ambitions of Volkswagen. p
pAsian carmakers Toyota and Hyundai already have hydrogen fuel cells cars on the market, while BMW is planning to launch the hydrogen iX5 this year as a small batch series.p
pp Reporting by Gilles Guillaume Editing by Richard Lough and Jan Harveyp
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