الملخص:(Reuters) – The number of people found to be illegally present in the European Union increased by 22% to reach nearly 700,000 in 2021, according to European statistics office data released on Thursday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpReuters – The number of people found to be illegally present in the European Union increased by 22 to reach nearly 700,000 in 2021, according to European statistics office data released on Thursday.p
pSyrians made up the largest number, followed by Algerians and Afghans. The number of Afghans increased by about 55 compared with 2020, following the takeover of the country by the Taliban in August.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pMen accounted for about 87 of the total number reported by Eurostat, with more than half aged 18 to 34. p
pIn all, Eurostat said that 681,200 nonEU individuals were found to be illegally present in the blocs 27 countries in 2021, 123,700 more than the previous year but down 67 from a peak in 2015, when more than a million people from Syria and other conflicts reached the EU.p
pThe number included those who entered the bloc illegally as well as those who overstayed the time allowed.p
pFrance reported the largest number, at 215,200, a 107 jump compared with 2020.p
pIt is followed by Hungary and Germany. Together the three countries accounted for nearly 70 of all illegally present nonEU citizens in the bloc. p
pUkrainians made up the biggest number of citizens denied entry to the EU in 2021, with about 50,200 rejections out of 139,000. p
pRejected Ukrainian citizens sought to cross land borders into Hungary, Poland and, to a lesser extent, Romania.p
pThe number of nonEU citizens presented with orders to leave a member state decreased by around 14 from 2020, with around 37 of orders issued by France, more than any other member state. p
pWhile more than half were enforced returns, 47 left the territory voluntarily, Eurostat said. p
pOverall, the majority of denied entries were due to the persons purpose and conditions of stay not being justified, Eurostat said, but also in 29 of cases because the person was considered a public threat. p
pp Reporting by Dina Kartit and Valentine Baldassari in Gdansk Editing by Alison Williamsp
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