الملخص:By Victoria Waldersee and Ilona Wissenbach
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpBy Victoria Waldersee and Ilona Wissenbachp
pBERLIN Reuters – MercedesBenz is working to reduce complexity in production while also honing its identity as a luxury company, its chief technology officer CTO said on Thursday, cutting out entrylevel models and releasing limited collectibles at the topend.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
p“We will reduce complexity in many areas… that dramatically changes logistics,” CTO Markus Schaefer said, with factories set up differently in different regions depending on the most preferred types of vehicles in each market.p
“Id like to halve the size and weight of batteries in cars,” Schaefer also said, citing energy efficiency and cost as motivators. p
Reporting by Victoria Walderseep
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