الملخص:ISTANBUL/MADRID (Reuters) – Spains BBVA said on Wednesday it had paid 22.76 billion Turkish lira ($1.43 billion) for an additional 36.12% stake in Turkish lender Garanti following its voluntary takeover offer.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpISTANBULMADRID Reuters – Spains BBVA said on Wednesday it had paid 22.76 billion Turkish lira 1.43 billion for an additional 36.12 stake in Turkish lender Garanti following its voluntary takeover offer.p
After the end of the acceptance period, BBVA now owns a 85.97 stake in Garanti, it said in a filing to Turkeys stock market regulator.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
Surpassing the 50 threshold will allow the Spanish lender to allocate more capital to Garanti without launching an additional tender offer.p
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Reporting by Ezgi Erkoyung and Jonathan Spicer in Istanbul and Jesús Aguado in Madrid editing by Andrei Khalipp
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