الملخص:SAO PAULO (Reuters) – Kimberly-Clark Corp is planning to sell its tissue paper assets in Brazil and Latin America, newspaper Valor Economico reported on Friday, saying the company is in talks with JPMorgan to reassess its business in the region.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpSAO PAULO Reuters – KimberlyClark Corp is planning to sell its tissue paper assets in Brazil and Latin America, newspaper Valor Economico reported on Friday, saying the company is in talks with JPMorgan to reassess its business in the region.p
pThough a price tag is yet to be decided, market estimates suggest KimberlyClarks assets are valued at between 800 million and 1 billion as a whole, with Brazil accounting for about 200 million, Valor said.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pThe U.S.based company owns brands such as Kleenex and Neve.p
pValor said Brazilian pulpmaker Suzano SA, Chiles CMPCowned Softys, Nine Dragons Paper, Oji Holdings Corp, RGE and J&F Investimentos are among those interested in KimberlyClarks Brazilian assets, citing sources familiar with the matter.p
pKimberlyClark, JPMorgan and all companies named by Valor did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.p
pp Reporting by Gabriel Araujo Editing by Kirsten Donovanp
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