الملخص:By Gayatri Suroyo and Fransiska Nangoy JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesias central bank on Tuesday announced more aggressive hikes in the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for banks, expecting inflation to rise slightly above its target band this year, but kept interest rates unchanged at a record low.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpBy Gayatri Suroyo and Fransiska Nangoyp
pJAKARTA Reuters – Indonesias central bank on Tuesday announced more aggressive hikes in the reserve requirement ratio RRR for banks, expecting inflation to rise slightly above its target band this year, but kept interest rates unchanged at a record low. pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pBank Indonesia BI announced a quicker pace in RRR hikes, ordering banks to park 7.5 of their reserves starting July and 9 from September. This compared with BIs previously announced policy path, in which BI had set three staggered RRR hikes this year from 3.5 to 6.5 in September.p
pBI left the benchmark 7day reverse repurchase rate at a record low of 3.50, as expected by 25 of 27 economists polled by Reuters. Its two other main rates were also unchanged.p
pDuring the pandemic, BI cut interest rates by a total of 150 basis points and injected billions of dollars into the financial system and the RRR hikes were its first move to normalise monetary policy.p
pGovernor Perry Warjiyo said inflation will be slightly higher than BIs 2 to 4 target range this year, but will come down to within target next year, which he described as “manageable”.p
pThe inflation outlook “reduces the need to respond through interest rates like other central banks,” Warjiyo said. p
pHe has previously said BI would maintain interest rates at record lows until it sees signs of pressure on core inflation.p
pAprils annual inflation rate was 3.47, a twoyear high.p
pThe government last week obtained parliamentary approval to boost energy subsidies by 24 billion to keep most energy prices unchanged in a bid to keep inflation benign.p
pRadhika Rao, Senior Economist at DBS Bank in Singapore, said in an email energy subsidies had dampened inflation risks.p
p“This coupled with limited rupiah depreciation versus regional peers lowered the urgency for Bank Indonesia to normalise policy,” said Rao, noting how “nonrate levers” like RRR were being used to absorb liquidity. p
pIndonesia‘s economy grew 5.01 in the first quarter, helped by a boom in commodities’ exports and the reopening of the economy from COVID19 curbs.p
pp Reporting by Gayatri Suroyo, Stefanno Sulaiman and Fransiska Nangoy Editing by Ed Daviesp
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