Unsolicited manipulated by GeminiCap
I deposited $120000 in GeminiCap on November 19th and made a loss of $80000 within 4 days. EA, recommended by the brokerage, placed unsolicited order, leading to losses! I opened 4 accounts with $30000 in each one, eventually, 3 of which became forced liquidation! Over $80000 was lost!!! The brokerage disappeared!No explanation was given!! The platform ripped me off!! By unsolicited manipulation, the platform made my several 30-lot orders of EUR short!!

The following is the original recommendation
gemini cap 恶意操作客户后台
gemini Cap 于11月19号入金12万美金,短短四天亏损了8万美金。。。下面经纪人推荐的EA 但是 有明显的手操嫌疑!账户密码都知晓 故意下大单子 然后造成亏损!3万美金一个账户!我开了4个号!3个爆仓,全部亏损!亏损了8万多美金!经纪人联系不上!上面不给说法!!我本人交易 不是打盘 不是恶意交易!是平台商坑我们!!30手欧镑多单两秒钟 30手空单!!平台商 故意 后台操作!!