IG modified clients’ information maliciously.
1. IG asked me to pay 20% margin, i.e., 70272 yuan, claiming that my bank information was wrong. 2. The service said that my credit score was insufficient, asking me to pay raise 20 score with 5000 per score. After paying 100 thousand yuan, I was asked to pay extra 30 thousand yuan since my score is 94 now. 3. I was asked to pay 64710 yuan for individual tax. 4. The margin needed 123268.4 yuan, of which 36268.4 was charged since I hadn’t added a remark. 5. The compulsory insurance needed 100 thousand yuan. 6. The handling fee needed 17517.57 yuan. After finishing the above 6 steps, the service asked me to deposit 100 thousand to refund me 200 thousand yuan. After doing so, I was asked for 50% unfreezing fee, i.e., 123268.4 yuan to get the balance 446536.8 yuan. I have been plunged into abyss. Hope you at least refund me half of the fund.
The following is the original recommendation
我这个在IG外汇平台操作提现时无法出金:第一步:说是我的银行卡填写错误需要修改资金20%入金70272元。 第二步信用分不足,要求补齐信用分,我的信用分80分,补齐100分要交20分每分5000元,这样我又补交100000元,补上客服又说信用分不足100分,94分,还得补齐6分又交30000元。 第三步是客服说交个人所得税64710元但是没有备注,所以又交上64710元。 第四步客服说交认证金123268.4元。其中有36268.4元没有备注好所以又要交36268.4元。 第五步强制保险100000元。第六步提现手续费17517.57元。这六步交完客服说需要人工退款,入金100000元退200000元,我又入金100000元客服说解冻资金50%还需解冻100%才能退款这样还得需要入金123268.4元才能退款446536.8元。我现在被客服弄的家破人亡了。以上是全部过程。希望有良心的能给我退回一半的资金我就非常非常的感谢您了。因为我现在到处需要钱的。