Fraud ICX Capital
Teacher: Chen Qianlong(Nickname: Long Ye). I joined the Patriotic group, in which he recommended some stock. Later, he asked us to participate in and earn the 300% profits. At first, he appealed for fund-raising to help reorganize the enterprise. He announced that 230 thousand was raised, and another 290 thousand needed to be collected. Chen Qianlong and Tang Weiguo showed their profit on London XAU/USD, with a 80% profit within 2 days. Many members were attracted. Since I committed to fulfilling all requirements, I joined a 9-peroson group, albeit not willing to. Seeing others’ profit screenshots, I wanted to experience and earn some. He told us to close position when it should be profitable. I wanted to exit, while the service kept asking me to add position, at which time, my prepaid was negative. The teacher claimed the the market only occur once 10 years. Since it hasn’t come to the point, I dared not to close the position. At about 23:00, the trend go reversely, leading to forced liquidation. There was only $2577.53 left now, with loss percentage being up to. Before the trading, he hasn’t mention any risk or setting the stop-loss and take-profit. Method: through livestreaming room Chen and Lin gave recommendations through WeChat. All members were asked to add their contacts.
The following is the original recommendation
ICX capital骗子平台
带单老师:程潜龙,人称龙爷。我3月份加入股市爱国会,开始时集中学些股市操作技巧,刚开始还推荐些股票,后来让大家参与者获得300%的利润。 当初说大家要筹集资金,帮助重组企业,最后统计说己筹23万.还欠29万资金缺口,才可顺利拉抬股价。不足资金解决办法在群里汤卫国,程潜龙表演炒伦敦金盈利业绩,2天时间盈利80%左右,也吸引了群里人尽量大手笔投入。我本不想参加的,但因为前期学习时有承诺要求“一切 行动听指挥”我被分到1个9人小组里,因犹豫迟迟不入金,还被批拖后腿,后来群里有说入金近百万,还补充资金,还晒出转帐单(估计是托)我就信以为真,心想,如果真能赚,我就少赚点,体验一下算了,就带单时感觉常常反向喊单,本该有盈利时应该叫大家平仓的,却叫大家加大仓位,我几次想出局,无奈助理不断传达叫加仓,我报告说预付款己是负值了。仍要求加仓,还必须截图上报核查。因为说过一切行动听指挥,而且老师说这是10年不遇的大底,还未跌到点位,没下指令,我也不敢平仓。结果到了晚上23时,趋势反转向上,爆仓。强制平仓。资金几乎化为乌有,最后10000美金,剩2577.53美金,亏损达74.22%。在介入期货前,从不介绍过期货风险,也不要求设置止损止盈点位。带单方式:股市爱国会直播间,微信通知下单,所有人加程潜龙和林助理微信。