Unable to withdraw. Have to deposit money
I withdrew in XTB while the customer service said I was suspected of money laundering and I have to deposit 55% of the account balance to verify capital. Otherwise, my account will be frozen. After I deposited, I was asked to deposit again. I suspected that I was cheated so I didn’t deposit for the credit score. Then I contacted the customer service several times but now I can’t log in. This situation has kept for three days

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
在XT B提币,被客服告知违规操作洗黑钱要验资,验资要充币,充币金额为账号余额的55%的保证金,不然就会被封号。交好之后提币,又被告知账号信用分不够不能提币,问客服如何完成信用分,客服再次告知还得充币,当时怀疑被骗,信用分问题就没再充币,之间与XTB客服联系好几次,现在连XTB系统都无法登入,这情况已经是第三天了。