Unable to withdraw
I started to deposit more than 10,000 US dollars on the wein international live platform on 20.12.24 and followed Wang Shengtian and others to operate Bitcoin. On the evening of the 28th, because the platform maliciously controlled the market, the index was too different from the official mt4 platform, resulting in my account balance of 2300 US dollars. , The application for withdrawal was rejected

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
我是20.12.24开始在wein international live平台共入金一万多美元跟随汪胜天等操作比特币,28日晚因为平台恶意控盘,跟正规mt4平台的指数相差太大,造成我帐户资金余额为2300美元,申请出金又不成攻