IB commission does not match the actual
At the beginning, the account with additional points, one lot equals 20 US dollars X 50% = 10 US dollars. After the client counts, the commission gradually decreases. It should be the person above who draws it from the background. The background service said it was because floating spread, the spread of the trading account is sometimes high and sometimes low, so the IB commission is usually not fixed and is quoted according to the market spread. I would like to ask, if so, why do I open an adding point account? The commission for adding point account is lower than that for not adding points, and the answer I get is to determine my commission based on the spread of the market. What is the purpose of opening an adding point account? The account manager told me that when the spread is high, I can get USD 12.5 for 1 lot, and when the spread is low, I can get USD 9 for 1 lot. What's the matter with me getting USD 8 for 1 lot? What's more, the so-called low spread is that I watched the EURUSD spreads for the whole week, and it stayed above 20 points. As a result, the commission I took was 20 points lower than that of the ordinary account. Be careful when being IB here, pay attention to your commissions all the time, they will move to reduce the commissions at any time. And these so-called "floating spreads" are prepared answers waiting for you to ask them. They tell me this is an MM full licensed platform. This is Malaysia IB, email me to solve the problem.

The following is the original recommendation
刚开始说加点的账户,一手是20美金X50%=10美金,客户量起来之后,佣金慢慢减少,应该是上面的人从后台自己抽取。问了后台 给予的答案是因为floating spread,所以有时交易账户的点差有时高,有时低,所以IB的佣金平常是不固定的 是衣裾市场给的点差报价。想请问一下,那我开了加点账户干嘛呢?加了点 结果拿的佣金比没加点的还低,而且得到的答复是根据市场的spread来决定我的佣金,那开加点账户的用意是什么呢?那位客户经理跟我说,点差高的时候我可以拿1手12.5美金,点差低的时候1手可以拿9美金,那我拿到1手8美金是怎么回事?况且所谓的点差低 是我看了整个星期的EURUSD点差都是保持在20点以上,结果我拿的佣金是低过普通账户20点以下的。在这里做IB要小心,时时刻刻注意你的佣金,随时他们会出招 把佣金慢慢减少。而且这些所谓的“floating spread”都是等你问他们之后 才给这样的理由,讲说是抛单平台,Full MM监管平台跟我讲这种。 这里是马来西亚IB,要解决问题email我