Unable to withdraw
I met a 35-year-old woman who was born in Hangzhou and studied in mainland China. She immigrated to Hong Kong in 1997 and lived in Hong Kong after middle school. She studied business administration at university. She opened a beauty and nail salon before. But it hasn't been open since last year for riot. She lives in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, drives a BMW car, and ilikes speaking "good dreams" to me on WeChat. She recommended a trading platform: hcomoney.com. I recharged 15,600 US dollars on this platform, and lost untill I had less than 9,000 US dollars with her father. Then the platform suddenly disappeared. The female netizen told me to change the platform to http://www.ueefx.com/zh-cn/, and the QQ customer service on the added website has not responded. I applied for rent in the background for more than five days and there was no response. The WeChat customer service given by the female netizen finally responded. A serious nonsense saying that my Canadian bank account cannot withdraw money, and I have to trade more than ten times to withdraw money

The following is the original recommendation
交友网站上认识一个35岁左右,杭州出生,小学在中国大陆读,1997年移民来香港,中学以后都在香港生活,大学读工商管理,之前开了一家美容美甲店,去年暴乱到现在都没有营业,家住港岛南区,开BMW车,微信上喜欢说“好梦”的说普通话的香港女士。她推荐了一个交易平台:hcomoney.com, 本人在这个平台上充值了15,600美元,跟他爸爸做单亏损到不到9000美元。然后平台突然失踪,女网友告诉我平台改成http://www.ueefx.com/zh-cn/,添加网站上QQ客服一直没有反应。在后台申请租金超过五天,没有反应,女网友给出的微信客服最后终于有反应。一本正经的胡说八道说我加拿大银行户口出不了金,必须交易十次以上才能出金