Unable to withdraw money from VIF
My money cannot be withdrawn from the fake VIF. The profits they claimed in Moments on 18th Dec is 8 to 10 times. There are programmers who guide us to copy the order. But I cannot withdraw funds, saying that the bank card number is wrong and that the credit score has fallen, which has to be made up first.

The following is the original recommendation
假冒外汇VIF黑平台无法出金,12.18号朋友圈说盈利8到 10倍,有程序员带单操作,但是无法出金,说银行卡号错误,又说信用分下降,要补信用分

Previous Post
I was deceived by the fake platform Fake Tickmill of 166,000 and was unable to withdraw funds. The account was abnormal when withdrawing, and I needed to pay more than 160,000 yuan again, which is too hateful
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