Unable to withdraw
I opened an account in HotForex and deposited on March 2, 2021. I am good at short-term trading. But the account manager told me that I could just get half of the commissions as regard to short-term trading. So I didn’t open an agent account. I applied for withdrawal last week while I couldn’t get my money. Then I received an email which said that I traded illegally.

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
本人在 热汇开立账户,于2021年3月2号入金交易。本人擅长短线交易。咨询过账户经理关于短线交易佣金减半。所以就没有开立代理。于上周出金。出金一直没有到账。有问过账户经理,他说帮助咨询问题。最后只是5个工作日也没有到账。等来的是后台发送的一封邮件。说违规交易。然后又把他们的交易规则以及佣金返利的图片一并邮件发回去。平台在就没有回复过。