Cheat money. Abscond. Do not reply messages
I have a WeChat friend who is a salesman, making Short term foreign exchange. This guiy sent me a QR code and asked me to invest. Then I began to invest with a teacher he recommended. But I always made mistakes even if I was so careful. Then they induced me and threatened me to add money to keep investing. In fact, the data was manipulated by them. After the three-round operations, I applied for withdrawal. The withdrawal hasn’t arrived. I was told to pay taxes. It has been a month and no one replied to me. They keep cheating others via other platforms. I hope investors can stay away from these frauds!

The following is the original recommendation
微信朋友圈有一推广员,是做超短线外汇,发了一个二维码给我,引导我投资后,推荐了一个用yy的“老师”帮助操作,等我开始操作,不管再怎么仔细都会错误,然后引诱、威胁我要继续充钱才能进行下一轮操作,数据是被他们改了。等三轮数据操作完后,让我去提现,提现不到账,又告知我必须缴税才能到账。快一个月了,他们躲着不解决,不回我信息,并且还继续在微信平台、DMM FX平台、yy平台骗钱,希望所有投资者远离这群骗子!