1.The so-called offer won’t be given on her own. You should keep pushing to get the offer. And in the end, you will get a gift card with a discount of 30%. The customer service always plays with language, tricking u into investing more. 2.Severe slippage. The open price is the highest or lowest. And the TP will be hit at the right point but the SL is at the lowest price. 3.When you can profit a lot at the biggest fluctuation time, the slippage will be double widened, limiting your transactions. 4.The server is under maintenance daily... So it’s easy to miss the best time to operate

The following is the original recommendation
1、官网上所谓的优惠他不会主动给你,要你自己不断的去催,最后会给你一个打了三折的礼品卡,客服只会玩文字游戏,忽悠你大量入金。 2、滑点严重,市价开仓基本会开在最高或最低,止盈准确的在止盈点位,哪怕遇到直线拉升,止损会损在最低点,瀑布的最低点。 3、在开盘波动最剧烈、赚钱效应最好时,它会把点差调高一倍,限制交易。 4、每天都会进行服务器维护,每天。。。一不小心就会在维护期间错过开仓时机甚至爆仓。