Horseforex withdrawal of USD3000 has not arrived for two months
On March 1, 2021, I deposited US$3,000 on the scam platform Horseforex. After a month, I made a total of US$56. I applied for a full withdrawal on April 2, and the total amount of withdrawal was US$3059.8. No withdrawal was received on April 7, so I asked the customer service for help and was asked to provide the bank information. I provided it as soon as possible. The account was not received on 4.15. The customer service said that they were verifying and will transfer as soon as possible. On 4.28, the customer service said that after checking the account, the order is missed. They said it will be processed that day, and the account has not been received until today.

The following is the original recommendation
2021年3月1日在黑平台马汇入金3000美金,做 了一个月, 共盈利56美金,4月2日申请全部出金,出金总额3059.8美金,4月7日未收到出金,求助客服,说要提供银行信息,第一时间提供,4.15日还未到账,求助客服说正在核实,尽快汇款,4.19日说已经处理,今天会到账,4.28日求助客服,说支付查账完毕漏单今天会处理,真至今日还未到账。