Unable to withdraw.
The agent told me my account was at risk and unable to transfer investment. And he said the platform could help deal with abnormal accounts if I deposited 100,000 Taiwan dollars in my MT4 account. He promised that my investment would be upgraded and the deposit would be returned to me. I called the bank and they said my account was available to transfer and remit. There was no suspicion of money laundering. Why they did not allow me to deposit? They still wanted me to deposit in an account that was unable to withdraw.

The following is the original recommendation
這平台不給出金,平台張經理說:我的賬號現在存在風險, 打款顯示的賬號異常,無法匯款。 我們平台可以幫你處理賬號風險異常,需要您重新匯款10萬台幣到您的MT4賬戶上, 然後我們會優化您的資金, 您匯款的10萬台幣到時候也會反還給我, 這個沒辦法的,您匯款之後我們才能優化,資金進行處理。 我致電銀行,說我的帳戶完全沒問題,隨時可以進行轉帳匯款, 帳號無異常,也沒洗錢的嫌疑。 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼, 我要出金不讓我出,還繼續詐騙我再把錢放入無法出金的帳戶。