Two scammers
Unable to log in or withdraw. Stay away from it. There was no free lunch.

The following is the original recommendation
根本一夥 在官方 無法登入更無法出金 窮極惡劣的行為 請聰明的人遠離 沒有白吃的午餐 更沒有從天降下的獲利 千萬別貪心

Two scammers
Unable to log in or withdraw. Stay away from it. There was no free lunch.
The following is the original recommendation
根本一夥 在官方 無法登入更無法出金 窮極惡劣的行為 請聰明的人遠離 沒有白吃的午餐 更沒有從天降下的獲利 千萬別貪心