Unable to withdraw
I have deposited a total of 4.17 million Taiwan dollars since May. Since July, the dealer has been unable to withdraw funds for various reasons. Its webpage has been constantly changing due to upgrades. On August 17, I lost $426,998. The current account balance is $-6318, and the negative account amount is even more incredible. GLENBER dealers are actually scams and do not deposit funds. At present, the police are also at a loss. Beware.

Severe Slippage
The following is the original recommendation
本人自5月迄今共入金417萬台幣,7月開始交易商以各種理由無法出金, 且交易商網頁常以升級為由不斷變更。 8/17交易商以被其他交易商圍剿為由,本人損失所有金額共426998美金。目前帳戶餘額為-6318美金,帳戶金額為負更令人不可思議。提醒大家GLENBER交易商實為詐騙,切勿入金。目前報警也束手無策中,切記。