I deposited 5,800,000 bolívares and suffered great losses due to their operation error.

The following is the original recommendation
Me quitaron todo
Que feo se siente esto, invertí 5.800.000 de bolívares a través de mi banco Banesco, comencé a operar y todas las operaciones se fueron a pérdida, lo que podemos decir que están manipuladas

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Fraud platform
Colombia 2021-09-02 22:35
(Li Chengang, Yang Jiping) GANAR MARKETSmaliciously induces investors, defrauds money without conscience. I can't withdraw money. The current price of Bitcoin 47660 is operated by the backstage, which floats 26,000 in 0.5 seconds, and the position is instantly liquidated.
China 2021-09-02 22:38