Be asked to pay extra fees or will unable to withdraw
She asked me to pay taxes before I withdraw money. I didn't do as she told. I made money in the account exact the same as the deposit. And she kept saying it was still in the process of inquiring and unable to withdraw. The woman in the picture, from Chongqing, China, lived in Chicago, she said her brother who worked in financial industry had a team. Every time you did as she told, you can make money, but she asked you to withdraw when the profit is higher than the deposit, and you have to pay taxes before that. Do not believe in her! Their data on MT5 platform is fake, their company isForex Limited.

The following is the original recommendation
出金的时候说是要税率,要先交税,才能出金,我没有补税,我把账户里面的钱和入金时候弄成一样,然后一直说正在查询,出不了金 图片中的女的叫陈雪,在美国芝加哥,重庆人,他说他哥哥是做金融的有团队,每次按她给的数据做,都能赚,当你赢的比你入金是的金额高的时候,就让你出金,出金就要交税,千万不要相信,他们的MT5平台数据作假 Hong Kong Fortune Forex Group Limited此公司名字