Scam. Unable to withdraw I was invited to apply for vip and deposited $3000 to unlock my account. I made sure the correct bank account. I doubt that he changed my order and told me the withdrawal failed due to wrong number. I had to pay $5000 to unlock it. Now I do not have enough money to pay it in 3 days.

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
詐騙誘導 導致無法出金該平台網址 網上的人叫我申請vip 問需要多少費用不錯直接幫我申請需要3000美才能解鎖帳戶 加值進去後我有確認過我有打對銀行帳號 我懷疑他更改了我了順序並跟我說我打錯帳號出不了金 需要5000美才能解凍帳戶 目前資金不足要在3天內繳交根本不可能