treat buy limit orders as buy stop orders
On 2021 Nov 10, intc closed at 50.76 . On Nov 11, I placed a buy limit order at 50.76 . However, etoro strategically interpreted as that my order was 1 cent higher than market price, 50.75 . etoro filled my buy order at 51.05 , which was the open price on Nov 11.

The following is the original recommendation
買入限價變買入止損 treat buy limit orders as buy stop orders
2021年11月10日,intc的收盤價是50.76。 On 2021 Nov 10, intc closed at 50.76 . 11月11日,我在50.76掛買單。 On Nov 11, I placed a buy limit order at 50.76 . 然而,etoro故意解讀成比市價50.75高1分。 However, etoro strategically interpreted as that my order was 1 cent higher than market price, 50.75 . etoro把我的買單成交在開盤跳空價51.05。 etoro filled my buy order at 51.05 , which was the open price on Nov 11.