Unable to withdraw. There are lots of money left in the account. Please help me
After I initiated the withdrawal, they immediately deducted the MT5 account and asked me to pay 20% tax. They also claimed that my deposit was about 60,000 more than the actual profit. I asked them to deduct and transfer the rest, and their answer was that they could not deduct. I later asked them to cancel it, and the answer was the same: they couldn't. This must be a scam

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
在我發起提款後,他們立即從 MT5 賬戶中扣除並要求我支付 20% 的稅。他們還聲稱我的存款比實際利潤多出大約 6 萬。我要求他們扣除並轉移其餘部分,他們的回答是他們不能扣除。我後來我要求他們取消它,答案是一樣的:他們不能。這肯定是騙局