Freeze the account for no reason and ask me to pay 20% margin to unfreeze it. Refuse to withdraw and blocked by customer service
My friend induce me to deposit at warlock market under the name of investment. On Jan. 13, 2021, they freezed my account for no reason. I asked platform to unfreeze it, the customer service required me to pay 20% margin, but the platform does not have such rule. I demanded a withdrawal on 14th, but the platform rejected it and blocked me.
Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
朋友以投资为名,诱使我投金warlock market。2021年1月13日,无故冻结我账号,要求该平台解封,客服回复要求支付20%的保证金,但平台无规定。14号要求出金,给以解释,该平台拒绝出金,我被客服直接拉黑。