No withdrawal is given. Do not withdraw even your principle is a loss.
MT4 account: 90093580 Principal 4000USD equivalent to RMB 25736 At the end of January, I applied for a withdrawal. The background shows that it has been reviewed, but the funds have not been received. At that time, it was said that the withdrawal channel was on holiday at the end of the year. After the year, I said that I would investigate the account. My account was still in a loss. I also investigated the amount of money [3f]. The principal was also issued, and then I urged the withdrawal many times, but it still did not arrive. On February 24 The number said that the platform added new shareholders. To open an office in Qingdao, you need to reorganize the finances. It takes 5 to 10 days to give out the money. Until March 3, the message will not be replied, and the WeChat will be blocked on March 9. The platform does not reply to the email sent by the platform. Is it because the platform has run away? [3f] Or the owner of the platform has been arrested [3f] Now I know the address of the Beijing office of the platform, and it is active in Qingdao, Xiamen, Beijing.

The following is the original recommendation
MT4账户: 90093580 本金4000USD折合人民币25736 1月底申请出金,后台显示已经审核,但是资金一直没有到账,平台人员拉黑微信,微信不回复,电话不回复,发邮件不回复,出金的时候说年底了出金通道放假,年后说要调查账户,我账户还是亏损的还调查个毛[3f]出的也都是本金,然后多次催促出金依然没有到账,2月24号说平台增加新股东,要在青岛开办事处,需要重新整理财务,需要5一10天才给出金,直到3月3号不回复信息,3月9号拉黑微信,电话不回复,给平台发送邮件也不回复,是不是平台已经跑路.了[3f]还是平台老板被抓了[3f]目前知道平台北京办事处地址,在北京厦门青岛活动