The gift never came
It's been almost 6 months, to chase the prize until it runs out of hundreds of millions, but every time I'm asked there are many reasons that don't make sense.. my principle is if you want to give it, give it, then you give if; if you don't, answer no and tell me the reason... so I don't have to wait. ... if I think the solution is easy that just convert the total prize to cash ... even though it has to be cut, lets say 40%, it's more efficient and looks like the broker is responsible.

The following is the original recommendation
hadiah tak kunjung datang
sudah hampir 6 bulan, untuk mengejar hadiah tersebut sampai habis ratusan juta, tapi setiap di tanya banyak alesan tidak masuk akal.. prinsip saya kalau mau di kasih ya kasih kalau tidak ya jawab tidak dan alesan nya... jadi saya tidak perlu menunggu.... kalau menurut saya solusi nya mudah, tinggal konfersi saja total hadiah bayar dengan saldo real... walaupun harus di potong misalkan 40% kan lebih efisien dan kelihatan bertanggung jawab pihak brokernya.