Need to deposit margin to withdraw
On April 20th, I applied for the withdrawal of funds. The assistant secretary said that I need to pay a share of 3,400,000 yuan before I can withdraw the funds. I said that there is no cash at present. Can I withdraw part of the funds first, and then remit the amount to your company? , and then withdraw all the funds. The assistant secretary said that the funds can only be withdrawn after the division is completed. After the two parties negotiate and agree to pay 1,000,000 yuan, the funds will be withdrawn. The 1,000,000 yuan has been remitted to the company's designated account. A few days later, because I did not receive any money, I asked the assistant secretary again. The secretary said that because the account has been listed, a deposit of 4,600,000 yuan needs to be paid. After the bank's capital verification is approved, the money can be withdrawn. The assistant secretary claims to be able to sponsor me 3,000,000 Yuan, I remit 1,600,000 to the company, and then the money can be withdrawn.

The following is the original recommendation
4月20日申已請出金, 助理秘書表示需繳納3400000元的分成, 才可出金, 本人表示, 目前已無現金, 是否可先部分出金, 再將此筆金額匯給貴公司後, 再全部出金, 助理祕書表示, 要分成完成後才可出金, 後經雙方協商, 同意本人給付1000000元後, 即會出金, 該1000000元已匯給該公司指定帳戶。 數日後, 因本人未收到任何款項, 再次詢問助理秘書, 秘書表示 ,因帳戶已被列管, 需繳納保證金4600000元,銀行驗資通過後, ,即可出金, 助理秘書宣稱可贊助本人3000000元, 本人再匯款1600000至公司, 即可出金。