You can only withdraw after paying margin
On April 20th, I applied for a withdrawal of $360,684.23. Due to the problem of sharing (the method of sharing was not stated before the deposit), I asked me to pay NT$3,400,000 to the company's designated account. Because of this operation, I had deposited NT1,700,000 beforehand, leaving only NT900,000. For the deposit, after agreeing with the assistant secretary, it is agreed that NT900,000 will be deposited into the account and then withdrawn, and the remaining share will be repaid after the withdrawal is received. I will remit the amount to the account designated by him. A few days later, because I had not received the withdrawal, I asked the assistant secretary again, and the reply asked me to pay another NT1,600,000 as a security deposit for the bank to verify the funds. I have no money left for this payment. They keep delaying the withdrawal and it makes my life in trouble.

The following is the original recommendation
4月20日申請出金$360684.23美金, 因分成問題(入金前未說明分成方式為何) 要求本人給付3400000元新臺幣至公司指定帳戶內, 因本次操作事前已入金1700000元,僅剩900000元存款,與助理秘書協議後, 同意900000元 新台幣入帳後出金,剩餘分成待出金到帳後補還, 本人即將該筆金額匯入其指定的帳戶內。數日後, 因本人遲未收到該筆出金, 再次詢問助理秘書 ,回覆要求本人須再繳 1600000元保證金供銀行驗資, 該筆款項本人已無力支付 ,對方遲遲不肯出金, 生活己陷入困境。