Said to trade gold, and kept asking me to borrow money to invest, but now I can't get the money back~~~
They just started chatting with me about how I handle gold. During the chat, I told her that I had debts. The so-called "Golden Teacher" suggested me to borrow money. In addition, the so-called "bank manager" gave me the name of a pawnshop to borrow money. In the end, I invested in Taiwan dollars. 5.25 million yuan, they said they would let me experience the membership and lend me 3 million yuan ~ the so-called "gold medal teacher" said that this would help me pay off the debt quickly, and when their so-called "golden period" was about to end ~ they said that the loan should be paid back first and divided into 10 %, otherwise it cannot be withdrawn. This is not right! Why can't it be deducted from the account? You have to pay back the loan and share it first. Why didn't you make it clear when you borrowed money? Can't it be deducted from the account? Can't even withdraw money! This is a scam!

The following is the original recommendation
剛開始跟我聊天交我如何操作黃金,聊天當中告訴她我有債務,所謂「金牌老師」建議我去借款,再加上所謂「銀行經理」給我當舖名字去借錢~結果我共投資台幣525萬元,他們說讓我體驗會員,借我300萬元~所謂「金牌老師」說這樣可以幫我快速還債,等到他們所謂「黃金期」要結束~才說要先繳回借款 和分成10%,否則無法出金。這跟本不對啊!為何不能從帳上扣?要先繳回借款和分成~借錢時為何不說清楚?也不能從帳上扣?更不能出金!這跟本就是騙局!