I was about to withdraw money and was temporarily told to pay a 20% margin before withdrawing money.
We were told that the platform would require us to withdraw all the money, and we had to pay a 20% deposit before giving the money. I never mentioned beforehand that there is 20%, where can I get the extra money to pay the security deposit! Originally, it was coordinated that a friend should pay the deposit first, and then borrow funds to pay the deposit one by one. As a result, after the friend paid the deposit, he said that all of us must pay the deposit before the deposit can be withdrawn. The rest of us have a combined total of $130,247.72. It would have been very difficult for one person to collect the security deposit, but we had to pay up to $26,049.54. Now my friend paid, but because we couldn't pay the money, we couldn't withdraw the money, the account was reset to zero, and the money didn't arrive. Whether it is the 20% deposit or the need to be tied together to withdraw money, it is not mentioned in advance, nor is it mentioned on the webpage, so it is basically a fraud!

The following is the original recommendation
被告知计划结束平台要我们全部出金,出金钱还要先缴20%保证金才给出。事前完全没提过有20%,我资金全在里哪来额外的钱缴保证金! 本来协调好由一位朋友先缴纳保证金率先出金再一个个借资金缴保证金,结果等那位朋友缴完保证金后才说要我们这群人全部都缴保证金才可以出金。我们其他人的资金加起来有130,247.72美金,本来一个人能凑足保证金就很困难了,居然还要我们缴齐26049.54美金。 现在朋友缴了却因为我们缴不出钱不能出金,账户被归零,钱也没到账。 不管是20%保证金还是要绑在一起出金都没有事先说,网页上也没有提及,这样根本变现诈骗!