Pay income tax first before you can withdraw money. After paying the tax, the customer service person is disappeared
FSDS. This is the result of nine deposits and multiple transactions in the foreign exchange and futures markets. When requesting to withdraw funds, the customer service responded to the message: "Dear sir, hello, after verification by the platform's financial department, your account information is confirmed to be correct. The account 8870129 has a history of 9,401,000 Taiwan dollars and 392,453 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to 368,591 US dollars in total. The gold is 1,000 US dollars, the remaining cost is 367,591 US dollars, the total current account is 2,156,797.37 US dollars, and your total profit is 1,789,206.37 US dollars. According to the tax policy of your region, you need to pay 10% personal income tax on your profits, totaling 1,789,200.637 US dollars, equivalent to 5,279,590 Taiwan dollars, Now you have applied for tax declaration to the government department. When you complete the payment of personal income tax, the loan will be made for you, please confirm!””” The tax has been paid. I remitted ($78,920), and my friend helped me advance "Dear sir, hello, after review by the tax department, your friend XX in Hong Kong has paid $100,000 in tax for you, and your personal income tax is now $178,920. After all payment is completed, your funds will be remitted to your bank account within 1-3 working days, please confirm!" But at the time of withdrawal, the customer service is not available. People are disappeared. Unable to process withdrawal.

The following is the original recommendation
先繳所得稅才能出金 繳稅後客服人去樓空
FSDS 這是經過九次入金與多次在外匯與期貨市場的交易結果。在要求出金時客服對來文: 「尊敬的先生,您好,經平臺財務部門覈查,您的賬戶資料確認無誤,賬戶8870129歷史共入金9401000台幣,港幣392453,共計摺合368591美金,總出金1000美金,剩餘成本為367591美金,現賬戶共計2156797.37美金,您的總計利潤為1789206.37美金,根據您所屬地區納稅政策,您需要為您盈利繳納10%個人所得稅,總計178920.637美金,摺合台幣5279590,現在已經為您向政務部門申請報稅,當您完成繳納個人所得稅,將為您進行放款出金,請您確認!””」 已繳納稅金。我匯出($78920美金),我的朋友幫我墊付「尊敬的先生,您好,經稅務部門審覈您位於香港的朋友XX已為您繳納稅金10萬美元,您的個人所得稅178920美金現已完成全部繳納,您的資金將於1—3個工作日內匯款入金至您的銀行戶頭,請您確認!」 但在出金時刻,客服沒有服務。人去樓空。無法執行出金。