Fraud platform that cannot withdraw The registered area code 1507 was knocked on the dating software, and we had a good chat. Invest, pique your interest, and then give you the above platform. (This is the great part. I will chat with you awkwardly, and then I will slowly lead you to be hooked. It is not like the usual knocking on you and directly chatting with you.) This woman will keep asking you to deposit money...wait for it, she will be deducted when the withdrawal is made. The 10% handling fee was not told to you at the beginning, but in the end, you will be asked to apply for VIP without handling fees. When applying, the customer service will ask to pay an appointment deposit of 10,000 USD within one week, and the deposit cannot be withdrawn during this period. At this time, I noticed something was different. I tried to withdraw it during the period, but it was rejected. I wanted to wait for a week to automatically cancel the reservation, and then deduct 10% for it, and then the customer service will always ask you to deposit 10,000 USD to withdraw normally. . Who wants to be ripped off a second time. A total of 8333 USD was lost. Then the girl also lost contact during the middle period. Anyway, I have been asking you to deposit gold under some names (the color of the background deposit and withdrawal of gold is close to black, and the pictures must be carefully placed to see clearly)

The following is the original recommendation
黑平台,無法出金 註冊的區域代碼1507 在交友軟體上被敲,聊得不錯,進一步加賴,持續聊2天,中間會提到投資,勾起你的興趣,然後給你以上平臺。(這就是厲害的地方了,陪妳尬聊,再慢慢引你上勾,不像一般敲你就直接加賴聊) 這女的會一直叫你入金[22ef]等等的,提領時會扣手續費10%一開始沒跟你講,最後會提VIP不用手續費,叫你申請。 客服申請時會要求一週內繳預約金10000 USD,期間不能出金。這時就察覺有異了,期間有試著提領,不過被拒絕,就想等一週後自動取消預約,然後給它扣10%後提領,然後客服會一直要你入金10000 USD才能正常提領。誰還想被扒第二次。總共損失8333 USD。 然後這個女生中間期間也失聯了。 反正一直用一些名目要你入金 (後台入金出金字色接近黑色,圖片要放仔細才看得清楚)