HOPFIST WEALTH is unable to withdraw
HOPFIST WEALTH claims that regular traders and fake Renxiang Investment Consultants have jointly defrauded investors' hard-earned money. Female assistants used fake ID cards to defraud investors' trust. Then there is no way to withdraw money. At the end of the profit, the customer service said that you must pay 40% of the commission fee before you can withdraw. The female assistant said that you paid 300,000 and the rest, I will pay you first, and I will know that the ID card is fake I will not be deceived and tricked to break the news together

The following is the original recommendation
HOPFIST WEALTH 聲稱正規交易商與假仁祥投顧聯合詐騙投資人的血汗錢 女助理用假身分證騙取投資人的信賴 到時沒辦法出金你可以報警抓我 不疑有詐 大資金投入參加梯隊 營利結束 出金時客服說要先繳40%抽成費才能出金 申請2次出金 都沒有出金 女助理說你繳30萬其餘我先幫你繳 出今後在還 明知身分證是假的 我不會在上當 有被誆騙一起來爆料圍剿