Blackrock is unable to withdraw. In June of this year, I encountered a fake investment on FB. It was a real scam. I couldn't withdraw 2 million. I hope BlackRock can catch the real culprit.
Beware of fake investment, real fraud. Requrie 5,000 deposit to open an account, and then redemption the next day, lottery shares and huge amounts, and then circle buy again, and keep forcing the victim to deposit money. When you want to withdraw money, you say that there is a problem with the other party's account and you need to pay a deposit or you cannot withdraw money for various reasons.

The following is the original recommendation
貝萊德 無法出金 今年6月在FB 遇假投資 真詐騙 無法出金200萬 希望貝萊德公司 能抓出真兇
小心假投資 真詐騙 入金要5000開戶 之後又隔日沖 抽籤股 又鉅額 再來圈購 一直強迫被害人入金 等到要出金時說 對方帳戶有問題要繳保證金或 各種理由無法出金 才得知受騙