Scam Platform
The customer service responded quickly and efficiently when I deposited money, but when I withdrew money, they made things difficult for me. 1. I submitted a withdrawal application within the time specified by them, but I was rejected by their excuses that it was out of the withdrawal time. 2. I applied for a withdrawal again a few days ago, but they said that my account had too few transactions after the deposit, so money laundering alert was triggered and withdrawal was forbidden within seven days, and told me that if I wanted to withdraw money, I would have to make multiple transactions within these seven days so as to have an active account before I could withdraw. is a fraud platform. It is completely unreasonable to freeze my account and forbid withdrawals. It is completely an excuse to advise me to trade multiple times to get rid of suspicion! What's even more ridiculous is that the customer service said that you can continue to deposit money but you can't withdraw it. It's inexplicable and ridiculous~ I will continue to expose their scam! It's ridiculous, please stay away!! The money is very important to me, it is a life-saving Money, please help me and save me~ Thank you!

The following is the original recommendation
!!GLO Finance黑心詐騙平台!!
入金時客服回復速度迅速有效率,出金時卻百般刁難鬼打牆 1.我在他們規定時間內提交出金申請,卻被以超過出金時間為由拒絕 2.隔幾天我再次申請出金,卻說我的帳戶因為入金後交易次數太少,所以觸發了洗錢風控警告禁止取款七天,並跟我說如果想要取款,在這七天內要我多次進行交易以活躍帳號才能取款 GLO FINANCE是個非常黑心的詐騙平台,完全沒有道理的冷凍我帳戶不給取款.還要我多次交易來擺脫嫌疑,完全是藉口!更可笑的是客服說可以持續入金但是不能出金,真是莫名其妙 有夠荒唐~我會不斷地持續爆料,實在有夠扯,請大家務必遠離!! 此筆金額對我來說非常重要,是救命錢,請拜託幫我協調救救我~謝謝!