In January of this year 2022, I was introduced to Intelligence prime capital as a broker regulated by the ASIC with registration number ACN 656 122 575, it is a network marketing company of which they offered a robot for Forex which gave us a profit of 10 at 45% monthly and earnings for inviting people at first everything was fine with earnings and withdrawals but in March 2022 they stopped paying until today. With our capital frozen, I have invested $13,832. Deposits were made with USDT. Today they have created their IPCloud wallet they have created their IUSD stable coin by transferring all our capital to their stable coin in their wallet the only option is to put more money into it. That is, if I have 13,800 dollars, I have to deposit that same amount to be able to mine their cryptocurrency in order to get my initial investment. That is abuse by the company. It's been 4 months without having access to our capital without having a response from this company. Apparently this company does not intend to return our capital.

The following is the original recommendation
En enero de este año 2022 me presentaron a Intelligence prime capital como un bróker regulado por la ASIC con numero de registro ACN 656 122 575 es una empresa de red de mercadeo de las cuales ofrecían un robot para Forex el cual nos daban unas ganancias del 10 al 45% mensual y ganancias por invitar a personas en un principio todo estaba bien con las ganancias y retiros pero em marzo del 2022 dejaron de pagar asta hoy. Quedando nuestros capitales congelados tengo invertido 13832 dólares. Los depósitos fueron hechos con USDT. Hoy han creado su billetera IPCloud han creado su moneda estable IUSD pasando todo nuestros capital a su moneda estable en su billetera la única opción es meterle mas dinero. Ósea si yo tengo 13,800 dólares tengo que depositar esa misma cantidad para poder minar su criptomoneda para poder sacar mi inversión inicial. eso es una abuso por parte de la empresa. Ya van 4 meses sin tener acceso a nuestro capital sin tener respuesta por esta empresa. Al parecer esta empresa no tiene la intención de devolvernos nuestros capitales.