I am liquidated after tradingh. I trade eurusd on July 27th, and it falls to 0.848 in a seconde
I did not operate once for two days after I depositing 8000, and the customer service staff refused to withdraw when I wanted to do it. They told me that it requires 5 minutes after 5 lots to withdraw. So I bought EURUSD 0.5, which fell once I bought, but it is just 20 dollars, and then it fell to 0.848 ten minutes later and liquidate my position directly. In 20 years, it has never reached 0.848. Why did it drop suddenly, but it never reached 0.084 that day? This frad platform does not want me to withdraw

The following is the original recommendation
我在入金8000後兩天都沒操作過一次,想提款客服不給,說要交易手數五手還有5分鐘才能提款,那麼我就買了eurusd ,0.5,一買就跌不過也就20美金,十分鐘後一下跌到0.848.幫我直接爆倉,20年來,根本沒有到過0.848,為什麼一下子下跌,但當天根本沒到過跌到0.084.這黑平台是不想我取金,操作了