Unable to withdraw
Our dear customers: First of all, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to investors from all over the world for their trust and support to HDG Markets. Due to the recent transfer and withdrawal of funds from some customers with doubtful sources of funds, our current business had to be suspended due to regulatory requirements. On July 14, 2022, we received an inquiry from the Australian ASIC and the Australian Anti-Transnational Crime Department, asking us to investigate a batch of suspected wire fraud, financial fraud and use HDG as its illegally concealed illicit money flowing to HDG Markets. Means of funding to launch an investigation. After we received the investigation request, we immediately froze suspicious accounts and restricted the use, deposits and withdrawals of corresponding accounts. Unfortunately, during the two-week appeal period, we were unable to receive strong supporting materials during our communication with the account holders, which led to further escalation of our investigation by the regulatory authorities, which has now been frozen. Our margin clearing account at National Australia Bank (NAB) and all our liquidity clearing accounts. In view of the requirements of the regulators and the Australian police, from now on, all new accounts, derivatives contract trading services and customer deposits and withdrawals of HDG Markets will be suspended until we cooperate with the police to complete all evidence transfer and operate normally. During this period, I hope that investors will remain patient, and we will continue to further investigate the accounts involved in this incident and ask them to add more evidence so that we can complete the review as soon as possible. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you during this period, and thank you for your active understanding and patience. HDG Markets August 8, 2022 Confirmed

The following is the original recommendation
我們敬愛的各位客戶 首先對於來自世界各地的投資者對 HDG Markets 的信任與支持,我們表示由衷的感謝。由於近期一部分資金來源存疑客戶的資金轉入與提取,導致我們目前的業務在監管的要求下不得不被迫暫停。 2022 年7月 14 日我方收到來自於澳大利亞 ASIC 以及澳大利亞笞方聯合打擊跨國犯罪部門的問詢,要求我們對一批流向 HDG Markets 疑似存在電信欺詐、金融詐騙且使用 HDG 作為其非法隱匿贓款手段的資金展開調查。我們在收到調查要求後,第一時間凍結了可疑賬戶並且限制了對應賬戶的使用以及存取款。但遺憾的是,在兩週的申訴期內,我們與該批賬戶持有者溝通的過程中,並未能收到有力的證明材料,從而導致監管部門對我們的調查進一步升級,目前已凍結我司位於澳大利亚国家银行(NAB)的保證金清算賬戶以及我司所有的流動性清算賬戶。 鑑於監管機構與澳大利亞警方的要求,從即日起,HDG Markets 所有的新設賬戶、衍生品合約交易服務以及客戶的存取款業務暫停,直至我們配合警方完成所有的證據移交工作並得以正常運轉。在此期間,希望各位投資者保持耐心,我們也將持續對此次事件的涉事賬戶進一步展開調查並要求其補充更多證據材料以便我們盡快完成審查。 在此期間給您帶來的不便我們表示十分抱歉,也感謝您的積極理解與耐心等候。 HDG Markets 2022年8月8日 确定