Close the position unilaterally
Today is August 12, 2022,,,, the price of octa is 1792 in the xauusd pair,,,, while at Mifx it is still priced at 1789 and I opened a position at 1789 and SL at 1793 at 03.50WIB,,,,, around 5 o'clock I passed hit a stop loss

Severe Slippage
The following is the original recommendation
Tutup posisi sepihak
hari ini tanggal 12 agustus 2022,,,,harga octa 1792 di pair xauusd,,,,sedangkan di mifx masih diharga 1789 dan saya open posisi diharga 1789 dan SL di 1793 pada pukul 03.50WIB,,,,,sekitar jam 5 lewat saya terkena stop loss