SHD makes effort to delay the withdrawal. Am I being cheated?
Am I being cheated? Lead by Wang Shouren, introducing TA to gain your trust. On the ground of adding funding, induce more fund and lose everything. When you want to withdraw the remaining fund for emergency purpose, SHD Lin Baoyi delays it on the ground of different from the beginning. I changed it according to the instructions and still said no. Then I wanted to ask assistant teachers Gao Zhiwei and Zhou Junyan, Li Zian, and Wang Shouren to help. But the teachers couldn't find anyone after 8/6. Very suspicious. Now I just want to get the rest of the money back The balance of the account DA8295 is US$170,000.- The amount is very large. It is money for health care. I really ask SHD to have a little conscience.
The following is the original recommendation
SHD 百般刁難拖延出金 我被騙了嗎?
被騙了?。 以王守仁為首. 介紹助教打友情牌. 搏感情 獲得信任. 以做莊為由增資計畫, 引誘入大量金錢. 最後莫名其妙狂輸. 當想把剩下僅存的錢要出金家中急用. SHD 林寶怡就用帳戶與當初綁約不同百般拖延. 我根據指示更改還是說不行. 然後想請助教高志偉跟周駿言李子安王守仁協助. 但是各位老師早在8/6之後完全找不到人. 非常可疑. 現在我只想把剩下的錢拿回來. 帳號DA8295 餘款 美金17萬.- 金額很大.是養生的錢. 真是求求SHD有點良心. 快點出金.