lTGFX, the company absconded with fund, all the data is not available, request the platform to recover
All brokers, please pay attention: The company's funds will be credited to the account as soon as Monday, and you can make profitable transactions. The account will be announced for everyone to watch online. The company will use the package data and the data of past inbound and outbound amounts. Investors who have already returned their capital will be delayed. The income will be released later, and the investor company that has not returned the capital will give it priority according to the profit. We all know the company's new mailbox, which can be emailed in a timely manner. If the company receives a complaint from the team, or if it is inconsistent with the company's direction, the company will not give a written reply, but will clear the account directly, and the profit will be given to other teams. If you have any questions, please contact me in time!

The following is the original recommendation
各位经纪人请注意: 最快在周一公司资金就能到帐,可以做交易盈利,账户会公布给大家在线观看,公司会根据打包数据,以往进出金额的数据,已经回本的投资人会延后发放收益,没有回本的投资人公司则会根据盈利优先发放出去。 公司新的邮箱大家也都知道,可以及时邮件反馈,公司收到团队投诉的,或着跟公司方向不一致的,公司将不给予书面回复,直接清除账号,盈利会给其他团队。大家有问题可以及时跟我沟通!