Unable to withdraw. Itgfx is a fraud foreign exchange platform for fake transactions! ! !
In the early morning of 7.20, it was found that the data of all investors on the Itg platform became negative overnight. Hacking for this lousy reason! After the accident, he made a big cake for the deceived investors to delay time, and even threatened to cut off the relationship with anyone who called the police! Before the accident, these "backbone" excellent brokers often lobby for brainwashing on WeChat and online conferences, offline studios and various asset allocation meetings, swearing that the company is reliable and the income is stable! After the accident, they shrank their heads and tortoises one by one, blocked and deleted everyone's WeChat, and made it clear that they were liars! The backbone of the liar can defraud 300,000 to 400,000 yuan a month, buy houses one by one, change luxury cars again and again, and shamelessly pretend to be victims to report to the police! How many people have been indebted by these liars, making life difficult to sustain! There are many victims across the country, including Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other places. The amount of money defrauded is huge, totaling billions of RMB. [d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21] And these rampant liars opened a new disk starting with V as early as around April this year and continued to deceive people!

The following is the original recommendation
7.20凌晨发现Itg平台所有投资者的数据一夜之间变为负数[d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d]早上所谓的亚太地区总裁房杰森给出的解释是数据被黑客入侵攻击这个烂理由!出事后给被骗的投资者们画大饼拖延时间,还威胁谁报警就和谁断绝关系! 出事前这些“骨干”优秀经纪人经常线上微信和网络会议游说洗脑,线下工作室和各种资产配置会,信誓旦旦的鼓吹公司靠谱,收益稳定!出事后一个个缩头乌龟,把别人的微信都拉黑删除,摆明了就是骗子行径!骗子骨干们一个月能骗三四十万,房子一套接一套的买,豪车换了又换,还不要脸的假装受害者去报警!多少人被这些骗子们害得负债累累,生活难以维持! 全国受害者众多,有广东珠海、中山、深圳和湖南、湖北、河南、上海、江西、江苏等地。被骗金额巨大,合计数十亿人民币。[d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][de21]而这些猖狂的骗子们早在今年四月份左右又开了一个以V开头的新盘继续骗人!