Scam! Data Age + Wang Shouren + SHD platform
The teaching assistant Felix Xu Ziling could not be contacted for the past two days, and the SHD platform could not be accessed! I tried to contact Wang Shouren, Zhou Junyan, Li Zian, teaching assistants, Miss Lin Baoyi and others through Line, but I couldn't find them all! I can't find any way to withdraw the money! Please return the money as soon as possible! Those are all my hard-earned and hard-earned money ah!

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
騙局! Data Age 王守仁 + SHD 平台
這兩天聯繫不了助教Felix 徐子陵, 而SHD平台又連接不了!用Line嘗試聯絡王守仁、周駿言、李子安老師們、及助教、林寶怡小姐等人, 通通都找不到! 想出金也無辦法! 求盡快出金還我錢! 那些全都是我的辛苦血汗錢呀!