Account was frozen
I made a large investment in MT5, but when I withdraw, I was told that I need to deposit 20% income tax first.I made half of the deposit, but the account was frozen because I could not withdraw. When I asked the customer representative if I could withdraw even just the amount of the tax that I had deposited, my MT 5 account was frozen because I couldn't withdraw.

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
MT5に高額投資を実施したが、出金の際に所得税20%が先に入金必要だといい 半分入金したが、出金できずに口座を凍結された。 カスタマー担当に入金した税金の分だけでも出金できないか聞いたらだからできないといいMT 5口座が凍結した。