How it was added
I have been investing in FX for a month in August, but in the middle of the process, I received a message from the customer service that the system was upgraded, and the server information was changed from BKYHYO to GrandSignalMarkets. After that, I was able to carry out FX transactions without any problems, but when I applied for withdrawal on September 1st, I was told that a 20% tax was required, so I sent money, but I still haven't been able to withdraw due to various reasons. Hmm. I paid 20870290 yen for tax.

The following is the original recommendation
8月一ヶ月FX投資を実施しているのですが、途中でシステムのアップグレードという連絡が顧客係からありBKYHYOからGrandSignalMarketsにサーバー情報が変更されました。その後もFX取引は問題なく実施できたのですが、9月1日に出金申請をすると税金20%が必要だと言われ送金したが、色いろと理由をつけて未だに出金ができていません。税金は20870290円 入金しました。